Friday, 16 March 2012

Assignment #5 Survey

General Findings/Thoughts
In the initial stages of developing the survey, I concluded that the best approach would be to attempt to narrow the focus of the survey to some key components of the program.  As part of the final evaluation, this survey would be only a portion of a larger survey targeted at several other components of the S2 Program.  I decided to break the program down into three components: referral and admittance procedures, structure of the process that the students experience and re-integration.  In developing this short survey I discovered that it would be most effective to focus only on one component.

In terms of revising and editing the first draft of the survey I discovered that it is vital to keep wording and sentence structure as clear and simple as possible.  I found that when I went back to my questions, I often thought that they could be worded more clearly and simply in order to ensure the most accurate results from participants.  I also augmented the survey considerably from the original by deleting and replacing several questions.  These more significant changes were made in an effort to align the survey with the goal, as mentioned above, of focusing on one key area of the S2 Program.

Follow this link to the original survey.

Revisions with Justifications/Explanations 

The title of the survey was changed in order to better reflect the focus of the survey.

Part One
The first two questions of the survey were added in order to classify the results when analyzing the data.  It is important to have information regarding the position of the participant and also how long they have occupied this position.  This effects the interpretation of the data in that length of time in the position as well as the position itself will have an impact on how the participant answers the questions.  The perspective of an administrator may differ greatly from that of the S2 teacher, and is an important factor to consider when analyzing the data.  The question relating to the description of the participant's role in the S2 Program was included because this is an area which is explicitly outlined in the guiding documents of the program.  It would be important to find out whether the role outlined in the guiding documents matches what is outlined by the participant.  The implications of any differences that arise would be an important element in evaluating overall effectiveness of the program because program guiding documents should match what is currently happening in the program.

Part Two
Questions 1 &2
These questions were simply reworded in an effort to simplify and clarify the questions.  The wording of the revised questions is much easier to read and understand.  Designing questions that are easy to read and understand quickly is important - participants will become discouraged or disgruntled if they have to constantly reread questions in order to ensure that have understood what is being asked.

Question 3
The word "intended" was removed from this questions because it simply doesn't need to be there.  The goals of the program are obviously those that are intended so the word simply serves no purpose in the question.

Question 4
"The referral process" was changed to "the current referral process" in an effort to make sure that the participants are referring to the current processes when responding to the question.

Question 5
No changes were made.

Questions 6, 7 & 8
The original questions were deleted entirely and changed to the present questions because all three of these questions (in the original survey) did not fit the focus of the survey.  The questions were focused on other components of the program that did not relate to the referral and admission processes.  Specifically, question 6 is an appropriate follow up to question 5 and so fits a logical organizational pattern.  Question 8 was included because parental participation and involvement in the program is something that is highlighted throughout the guiding documents for the S2 Program.

Part Three:
Question 9
No changes made.

Question 10
This question was deleted and replaced with the current question in an effort to keep the survey focused on the referral and admittance procedures.  I chose to include this question because it is relevant to collect data on what supports and information are provided to regular classroom teachers as these are the people that make the initial referrals.  It seems important to consider whether teachers are provided with adequate knowledge and support in order to make appropriate decisions concerning the referral of their students.

Opinion/Feedback Section 
This section was not changed.  I think it is important to gather general feedback on the survey from participants to ensure that the the survey is designed in a manner that will ensure the most accurate results.

Follow this link to the modified version of the survey.

1 comment:

  1. Gemma

    Well done. Thank you for sharing your thoughts around the initial approach and the changes you made to the final version. I agree with your rationale for the changes and I feel the second version of the survey is a much stronger instrument.
