Focusing the Evaluation
Chosen Program: Senior Level (Grades 7-9) Structured Success Program
Purpose of Evaluation
The purpose of the evaluation is goal oriented. The evaluation will focus on examining and assessing the goals of the program. The program goals need to align with the anticipated outcomes (both short and long term) as set out by the program. The process of the program as well as the will be evaluate in an effort to ensure that the goals of the program are being met and the outcomes are successful.
Audience for Evaluation
The evaluation is intended to provide the following stakeholders with information on the effectiveness of the program:
<!ü Administration
<!ü S2 Staff – S2 teacher and Educational Assistant
<!ü Parents of students enrolled as well as parents of potential S2 students
<!ü Other teaching staff
Information presented by the evaluation is intended to provide teaching staff, administration and program coordinator with the data and analysis required to determine whether changes are required in order to make the program more effective. The evaluation would provide parents of potential S2 students with information on the success of the program so they can then make an informed decision concerning whether the program is the best fit for their child. Parents of students currently enrolled would gain additional insight to the effectiveness of the program their child is participating in. The evaluation would provide other teaching staff with the information necessary in order to make an informed decision in relation to referring students to the S2 program. As an overarching statement, the purpose is to provide each of these stakeholders with a better understanding of the program in particular reference to program goals and effectiveness.
Questions the Evaluation Seeks to Answer
The evaluation will be focused on seeking out answers to the following questions:
<!ü Do the goals and objectives of the program meet the desired outcomes?
<!ü Do the activities and the structure of the program (process) work to meet the desired outcomes?
<!ü Is there anything about the process that needs to change in order for the program to become more successful in attaining desired outcomes?
Information Needed to Answer Questions
In order to assess the goals and objective in relation to whether they meet desired outcomes, analysis and discussion will need to take place. Discussion between S2 staff, program coordinator and administration concerning whether the connection between outcomes and goals is clear and logical would aide in attempting to answer this first question. Additional information may be gathered from similar programs in order to provide some perspective on goals associated with re-integrating behavioral/emotional/social students back into the classroom.
Information regarding student success in exhibiting learned skills and behaviours is required in order to determine process effectiveness. Any issues that arise in answering the above question will lend information into answering whether and what changes/improvements can be made in terms of the process of the program.
Collecting the Information
<!ü Access to S2 student records (progress reports from within S2)
<!ü Access to information regarding students who have transitioned to the high school
<!ü Access to input/feedback from:
<!ü S2 staff
<!ü Administration
<!ü Division Program Coordinator/Behavioural Specialist
<!ü Other teaching staff (those who have had S2 students integrated into their classrooms and/or removed from their classes to be placed into the S2 program)
Sources of Information
<!ü Progress reports of students currently enrolled in S2
<!ü Records of past S2 students
<!ü Information on students transitioned to high school
<!ü Staff/administration and division feedback/input
Data Methods
<!ü Survey
<!ü Interview
<!ü Document review
<!ü Observation (of S2 students in the S2 environment and integrated into the regular classroom)
** Since the program is well established, integrated and ongoing program all of the data collection will take place during the program.
Sample will consist of those students currently enrolled in the program and previously enrolled students who transitioned to the local public high school.
Using the Information
Data Analysis
- ü Analysis of student records for indicators of success/improvements in behaviour
- ü Analysis of interview responses to determine staff feedback
- ü Analysis of survey results to determine trends in success/improvements
Interpretation of Information
Once compiled, information will be interpreted by S2 staff, administration, program coordinator and evaluation coordinator (me). While interpretation of data and analyses will be a combined effort, summary of the interpretation and data will be completed by evaluation coordinator.
Communication of Information
Information will be reported back to staff, administration and program coordinator through a formal evaluation report. A follow up meeting in order to discuss and expound upon the findings of the evaluation would also be preferable. Although presented in a different format, the information would also be shared with parents of students currently enrolled in the program. A concise version of the report would be made available to these parents as well as parents of potential students. In this way the evaluation would provide parents and other stakeholders with an enhanced understanding of the program in its current state and perhaps where it needs to go in the future.